Session 8: Interactive Coding Dojo: 25.04.21: 16:00 UTC

Final round of our interactive coding dojo.


  • Thank you, Alex, Looking forward to it!
    I meant to ask about the textbook you mentioned several times during session. What was the title (and authors) again?
  • I think the name of the author in David Beazley
  • edited April 2021
    Here is the link for today's session:
    In my opinion the best book for intermediates is "Fluent Python" by Luciano Ramahlo. Really great explanations and a lot of stuff covered. The second edition will be out in september 2021 if I am correct.

    The other book I maybe mentioned was "Python Cookbook" by David Beazley as mentioned by pui007. The author has published a python course material for free which will be the basis for the upcoming sessions.
    Another book which I can recommend is Effective Python by B. Slatkin. It is similar to other "effective" books, if you know the series.

    All of the mentioned books are not suited for "starting python programming from scratch"

  • Sorry I’m going to miss today I had a family thing come up 
  • Can I get access to the Problem #5 code on Roomba project? Thanks 
  • Awesome, thank you,  Alex! (@admin!) and @piu007!
    I will definitely check out Fluent Python (first edition first ;) ) and Effective Python.
    I realize that I have the Python Cookbook by Beazley & Jones (3rd Edition). Lucky! I need to make more use of it.

  • @jiljam Not sure who coded the last part of the problem. I think it was benny, if I remember correctly.
    @eltulax Can you please commit and push the last changes we did on sunday?
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