Case 1: Simulating a robot vaccuum cleaner

I would like to share a very nice exercises from the MIT Course "Computational Thinking" with you. This exercise is not from me, all credits go to MIT

I have attached a zip file with the description of the exercise and the needed python files. I had to do some changes to the test-files to work with python3 properly, so the test files are not 100% identical to the exercise from MIT, but this does not matter.

Take your time and read the problem description carefully. It took me several hours to create a complete solution so don't rush in, enjoy the journey and hopefully you will learn something :)
If you have any questions please let me know. We can talk about the "cases" at the end of normal sessions or make separate sessions for this.

Enjoy! Alex


  • I would be extremely interested in this project 
  • Thanks for joining todays session.
    I have attached the jupyter notebook file of today (as zip file, so you must unzip first). To open it you must use jupyter notebook. It is preinstalled if you use a the `anaconda` package. Have a look at the jupyter page to get more information:

  • @admin Thank you!  :)
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